Thursday 28 October 2010

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Cristina. I´ve got a une brother.His name is J.Francisco,he´s 19 years old.
My best friend is Coral.-She- is very beautiful, she´s got 2 brothers Pepe y Alonso.
My favorite pop stars is Lady Gaga.

Eli Gordillo

-Hello!! My name is Elizabeth. I'm thirteen years old.I have one brother.His name is Francisco .I have two friends.
She -her- name is Coral.She 's got two brothers. Their names are Pepe and Alonso.
She -her- name is Cristina. She's got is one brothers. His name is Juan Francisco.

jorge álvarez quintero

I did sleep not many nights!
I have watched much for us!
I have times may
you let me dreams!
Your dislikes are mine
your joys are mine forever.
Without you, life is a fourney
a way sad and hurt.


Hello ! My name is Pepe. I am 13 years old. How old are you? My best friends are Pedro and Lucía. He is 12 years old and she is 14 years old. They like listening to music with me, and i like listening to music with them. We go to cinema on fridays.
I have got a dog. It is fantastic. I like play-ing- with it. Have you got a pet?

Good bye !

Monday 18 October 2010

Hello! My name is Nerea.I went on holidays with my friend.She's Laura.We went to Paris.Her hair is dark brown.
Where did you go? She's got a boyfriend he went to london.
Next year we are going with him.
They met last year in spain.She told me that he's very nice, do you know them?
It's very nice weather now!

Bye, bye